Wednesday, February 17, 2010


well I screwed up... I managed 4 hours in front of my computer doing everything BUT act out... then all of a freaking sudden, I typed in something. So for how ever long I just looked at stuff. I heard at an SAA meeting the other day, someone mentioned they lose track of time once they start acting out. I can tell you it's so damn true.

So now I HAD been sober for 4 days... I've got to try again. It's frustrating!

Someone told me once to take it day by day hour by hour... I can't live like this anymore... I DON'T WANT ANY OF IT!!!!!!!!

don't want to hurt anyone
don't want to hide and act out
don't want to seek out from others, thus hurting them
don't want any of the anguish pain and stress this addiction brings me

I just want to be healed again!!!!!


1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the blogosphere, Sanh. There are a lot of great people here in the sex-addiction recovery blog community. I wanted to stop by and thank you for the comment you left on my blog (if you get a chance, check out my response). It really meant a lot to me--more than I can even express.
